Men’s Health

Should You Be Smoking Weed Before a Workout? Some Athletes Think So

The Best Fitness Apps for Travel

Popular Science

How to get muscle gains: A beginner’s guide to becoming buff

How nutrition tracking can put you on the path to meet your fitness goals

Men’s Fitness

Wide-ranging product reviews and recommendations

Runner’s World

Wide-ranging product reviews and recommendations


The Importance of Muscle: Q&A with Michael Joseph Gross


Ketamine Can Treat Depression

The Manual

Winter is coming, and that means bulking season: Here’s how to get those gains

How to do psychedelics right

MDMA therapy is coming soon: What the experts think you should know

Psychedelic therapy isn’t fringe anymore — why you need to take it seriously

Psychedelic mushrooms: What are they, what are they like, and what are the benefits?

LSD-assisted therapy: How it differs from other psychedelic experiences

How to Stop a Bad Psychedelic Trip

What is ketamine therapy? I tried it. Here’s the deal

What Is DMT? Learn Why This Powerful Drug Is Unlike Other Psychedelics


Recovery Diaries

The Los Angeles Times

Gift Ideas for the Traveling Fitness Fanatic